Monday, April 12, 2010

Give Us This Day

God just told me to start a blog. Although I can't say I foresaw this when I woke up this morning, God's outsmarted me once again (Him: infinity, Me: 0. And I thought my March Madness bracket looked bad).
I've been keeping a journal for the last several months of truths that God has told me in my prayer times. Each journal entry has brought me a great deal of reflection, conviction, encouragement, and, most importantly, a better understanding of the character of our Lord. Each entry has also made me crave fellowship with other believers - what child of God doesn't love to conversate with others about her experiences and insights?
I've searched a lot for the purpose of my journals. I know God isn't revealing Himself to me for His words to lie still on a page, never shared with others. I considered leading a Bible study, or publishing a book, but never felt that the Lord was 100% behind this. And so I asked Him again this morning what to do with His words, and was told very clearly a blog was the answer. Impressive how my Heavenly Father is at least 2000 years older than my earthly father, and is MUCH more in tune with technology. Sorry, dad. I'll take it back when you learn how to turn off the TV instead of cable box.
The more I think about this blog, the more excited it gets me. It resolves the logistics of the Bible study I couldn't possibly start - the one that includes friends across the country, the one that has too many members for all to possibly give feedback, the one that couldn't find a good child care solution, the one that would never meet simply on schedule conflicts alone. It also utilizes the never-ending boundaries of the Internet to glorify God by congregating His believers.
The vision I see for this blog is for readers to comment with their feedback (revelations, experiences, prayer needs) and we can encourage each other in that way. I believe you can post a comment without Google membership, but it will not send you an email alert for any responses. If you leave your email address with your comment, I will email you any responses so we can engage in truer communication. I am starting this blog on April 12, 2010, but am going to (attempt to) upload my back-dated journal entries. I'm completely new to blogs, so please bear with me as I get more familiar with its operations.
I strongly feel called to honesty in these writings. A grouping of vulnerable, imperfect, worldly people encouraging each other to live for Christ will do more for His Kingdom than us pretending to have it all together and needing for nothing.

Today's honesty: I am really reluctant to publish this. If I don't have a strong following of readers/commenters, it'll make me feel foolish and look like a loner. My flesh says it's important to be popular, and that makes me want to hide away from all that is not socially safe.

Take My hand and we'll make it, I swear
Living on a prayer,

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, Jen. you have no idea how proud I am of you & how much this makes me look up to you even more than i did before...
