I was thinking today, I'd probably be a better child of God if only I weren't American. Darn you, stars & stripes, freedom & civil rights. Kidding - I truly am thankful to live in the States (so please don't kick my husband out of the military, Department of Defense). But really, think about what choice does to us and our standards.
You would have a much easier time eating bland rice and beans if you didn't have the realistic option of pizza and burgers. If only given the choice to wear mom jeans or nothing, mom jeans would win in my book (depending on the temperature and the present company, anyway). I would have a much easier time following God if I weren't born into a nation that allows me the personal liberties to believe what I want.
Self-righteousness is one of the greatest evils that separate us from God in the modern world. We've gained this sense of entitlement that leads us to believe we deserve everything we want, rather than being grateful for having what we need.
I'm by no means harping on treating yourself - I believe whole-heartedly that winding yourself too tight with self-sacrifice will only cause you to burst. But from your probably padded chair in your probably air conditioned space on your sufficiently operating computer, let's give it some thought.
What are your standards? Do you believe that you deserve a professional massage because you made it through a chaotic work week? Do you deserve a new wardrobe because you met your goal weight? Do you deserve forgiveness, just because you gathered up the nerve to ask? Do you deserve salvation, because in our culture we've grown numb to just how big of a favor this is?
Yes, we live in a nation of great accomplishment that allows us many liberties and personal choices. This is by the grace of God alone and does not mean that we necessarily deserve the cushioned lives we are allowed to live. Are you willing to drop some of your cushioning and take on more raw intimacy with the Father?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
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